Mind thoughts

Mind thoughts

What if after all these struggles, it now ends up that we are doing everything wrong and not the right.

What if is the right way but we were not mean to struggle, it was all a play, to make us to suffer.

Have even wondered why you are not getting somethings right, because you are always using the same method every time. Remember they are too many methods to solve any maths equation.

Sometimes it is our attitude that affect our ability to succeed. The way we respond to things and people mater’s a lot.

We can make a difference in things but we just have to push ourselves. We humans are like machines, we need some things to be able to function and those things act as fuel to us, with those things we can function well.

Let’s understand that the are stages to life that we need to pass through to be able to expand and explore.

Very man is an island of it own, but something we need another island to survive. If everyone can make it on their own, why do musician need fans, why doctors need patient, why do a business person need customers, why do an online worker need network made by another person etc. We all need each other at one way or the other to succeed.
