Business Plan

Business Plan


What is a business plan?

A summary of how a business owner, manager, or entrepreneur intends to organize an entrepreneurial endeavor and implement activities necessary and sufficient for the venture to succeed.

The are so many things to do to grow a business and manage a business. But today we are going to focus more on strategies, those key points that you need to expand and grow your business.

What is strategy?

According to the English dictionary, strategy is the plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal.

What are those strategies?

Map out your plans: One rule in business is to always write down what your plan for the business is, to be able to keep you on the right track. You make a list of things you want to put in the shop and how much it will cause. Always try to calculate the cost of the product you bought and the cost of sales, check your account and make do with what will work for you to make your business grow.

Site of shop: the position of your shop is very important, make sure is on site. Also how you present your shop will attract people and the things you sell. The quality of the things you sell in your shop matters a lot.

Marketing: the way you present your goods, is the way customers will approach you and patronize you. In the world today marketing goods and services is made easy, you market your goods on social media such as ( Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc.). this helps in the promotion and distribution of your goods, the work of a marketer includes market research and advertising.

There are basic tools when it comes to business strategies, these are other tools or steps but those are the main points.